Since 2005, the Forensic Foundations instructors have been providing students with a rich and diverse learning environment. Knowledge, creativity and hands-on experience have always been at our core, and we’re proud of the students who have attended classes taught by our instructors. We always encourage both staff and students to grow,
learn and create each passing day. For us, the shining star is seeing our students outperform others in the field in their pursuit of the truth. Our instructors have real world experience in the field of forensics and bring their decades of experience to each class. We all have attended those classes where you sit and listen for hours on end, trying to stay awake. So, we take a different approach. We incorporate hands-on training into all of our classes and do so in a way to replicate real life situations.
The idea behind Forensic Foundations is similar to the way a house is built. You have to start with the foundation. We invite you to use our classes as the foundation on which you build your career. At Forensic Foundations we also know that sometimes, we need to step back and get another point of view. Our Crime Scene Unit Auditing is designed for just that. We have the ability to assist any agency with doing a review of their Crime Scene Unit to include policies and processing techniques as well as discussing education and equipment needs.
We look forward to meeting you and assisting you as you progress through your career.