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Crime Scene Photography and Videography

24 hours (3 days)

479 US dollars

Available spots

Service Description

The one crime scene process done at every crime scene is photography. While today’s photography equipment is far advanced since the days of 35mm film, crime scene investigators still need the knowledge of how to use the camera to its fullest potential. In this 3-day class we cover crime scene photography concepts starting from the point when you first arrive at the scene up to getting the perfect photo of the miniscule blood droplet on the wall. Understanding the functions of shutter priority, aperture priority, and manual will enable the camera user to obtain courtroom ready photographs. Nighttime photography is even more important, and students will learn techniques to introduce enough light into the camera to produce a clear, focused photograph, even in the middle of a field with minimal to no ambient light. Our staff will also discuss videography and the reason it is still a great tool for prosecutors. Most DSLR and mirrorless cameras today allow a video function, and the class will also practice this to avoid videos that are “shaky” or leave out portions of the crime scene.

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